Today the new regime begins or perhaps more rightly I should say resumes. Christmas is simply not the time for diets, even if you try to watch what you’re eating and not over indulge. I, however , find no matter how careful I am I’ve only got to look at Christmas cake or chocolate and I put on weight haha. So today I’m starting a fresh back to the HITT work outs and back to watching what I eat.
My target is to lose 1stone by Easter and that should see me back to my ideal weight and back to the correct BMI. I’m also trying to be more veggie in my eating, not that I’ve ever been the biggest meat eater. It’ll be good for me and hopefully it’ll be good for the planet.
It also helps that I’m surrounded by others my hubby , daughter and her partner and my sister and her partner who are all on a loose weight get fir campaign. My daughter who I’ve got to say is already lovely and slim,however, has more of a get fitter approach as she’s training for her first marathon in April this year. She’s been an enthusiastic runner since just before lockdown, when she decided it was time to make a change . She lost loads of weight and really got into the running.Indeed during lockdown she used her one outing a day to run and she ran everyday for several months it was amazing. She used lock down to get really fit she looked at her diet to and has not looked back. So proud of her
Keep you posted how it all goes.
I’ll also keep you posted on how her marathon goes.
Maybe have some recipes to share or other tips I’ve picked up that help me and might help someone else you never know.