
Monday, 28 May 2012

Cinema Visit

I love going to the Cinema but since my daughter has been away at University its been a problem finding someone to go with. My husband and son are definitely not the chick flick type, they go for the scary horror,war,science fiction blood and guts films which with a few exceptions I tend to stay away from. Trouble is with me is I see a scary film and  it plays on my mind giving me nightmares and such. I can even scare myself watching some TV programmes so there is no hope. 

However, this weekend I went to see The Avengers Assembled film with my husband, and I loved it  I know everyone has already seen it and I'm rather behind the times but who cares. We may have been the only two people in the cinema and my hubby may have already seen it at the IMAX but I don't care, what I  say is better late than never
The Avengers Assembled
Anyway I loved the film it was a great romping tale and what surprised me most of all is the fact that despite some potentially very big egos all the stars (who have films playing the characters they play in the Avengers) still managed to work as a team. I had thought one character would take the lead as it were, but no, everyone had their cameo  and  chance to be centre stage, then they backed off for the others.

I've got to say also that not only was it a good film the eye-candy wasn't bad either, just have a look below. Scarlett Johansson full credit to her,she came across very well and I do not normally think much of her. well now I have changed my mind

The gorgeous Chris Hemsworth
                                            and the others

 I expect you have all seen the film but for those of you who haven't go its great fun

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