
Wednesday, 23 May 2012

More Pages

I have been working at producing more pages for my daughters 'This is Your Life' scrapbook and I thought you might be interested in another couple I have just completed. You will note I am not doing them in any particular order so  the pictures are of her at random ages. I am merely doing them as the pictures take my fancy I just hope when I finally assemble the book I don't find getting them in order tricky or find I have yawning gaps in the timeline.


This is a picture of Bryony in her Christening dress which my mum made for our of my wedding dress plus some additional lace. I think she looks adorable with her twinkling eyes and biting her lip. 


For this page I used stamps again as I did for the Scrapbook Sister challenge I did earlier. I had really enjoyed using the stamps so thought I'd give them another outing. I also did some machine stitching which is all rather new to me. 

The second page I did was using a picture of Bryony aged about three. In this picture she's with her pal of the time my Mums dog Chloe. Poor dog had been stung as a puppy by a bee or wasp and had subsequently lost all the fur from her muzzle. Bryony however adored her indeed I think this may well be when her love of animals began.  She's now studying Zoology at University 
Bryony and her pal Chloe

I hope you like the pages if you'd like more details of what products I used I'll be only too pleased to tell you via email.


  1. They are gorgeous Dawn I love the photos, all the layering and cutting out - she'll love her book :)

    1. I hope she likes them all but knowing Bry she'll have something to say about the photos I've picked.

  2. Oh they are so pretty, gorgeous LOs and photos. Kim

  3. Thanks Kim I'm rather enjoying this task as its given me the chance to rifle through loads of old albums and revisit days gone by (gosh that sounds ancient). The thing is with children is you forget how quickly they grow up until you look back at pictures .well that's how I'm finding it.
    My son who now won't let you take photos has even said he might like a similar book done for him. With as he said a far less flowers and no pink and cute.......

  4. These layouts are beautiful ,Dawn. I must agree with you -that photo of Bryony is adorable! Thankyou for the lovely comments on my blog!

    1. Thanks its terrible thought to think she is now nearly twenty where did the time go

  5. Replies
    1. Glad you like them as they are for you after all

  6. I love these pages, they are fab. Me thinks I need to spend sometime on the scrapbooks and less on the cards and 3d stuff but I have so many years to catch up I'll never get any cards done. The kids still get the early years out and will sit with friends and look through them, this is despite my son being 17 and daughter 19. It makes you think that it was worthwhile doing after all if it gives them so much pleasure. Happy photo trolling, just don' get too side-tracked.
