
Wednesday, 30 October 2013


A three years ago I made my daughter an advent calender as a surprise when she came home from Uni for Christmas hols. She loved it. I  always intended on making one for the family home and one for my son (even though he's a bit bah humbug)  but until recently haven't found one I liked. Well now I have, and here it is. It was a bit fiddly to make up but the end results I think are great. 

The kit I started off with came on a length of fabric, divided into the background picture and the assortment of pockets. Below is the finished article. I now have to find presents for each of the pockets. 



  1. Wow! That's gorgeous Dawn. I'm sure she'll be chuffed.

    1. This is my one Bryony's is the tree will add a picture for this

  2. This is lovely and a great thing to be able to pass down generations. I'm no good at sewing and have to revert to the chocolate ones. Have fun shopping for the things to fill the pockets.

    1. the pressies have to be small so thats a bit of a problem
