
Thursday, 23 January 2014


No sooner is Christmas over than all the little jobs for the year begin again, its like an endless cycle. As the years go by the cycle seems to take less and less time, which is scary. I was saying to my daughter the other day that eighteen months was such a short amount of time but she disagreed. Then I thought of the maths involved and and I guess its simply that to me its such a small amount/percentage of my life whereas for her the percentage is far higher.......you do the maths. ha ha 

Anyway back to the actual point of the post, the marmalade.   I use a Delia Smith recipe which I find works very well and has done year after year.
For those of you without the Delia Recipe the ingredients are as follows


2 lb Fruit Seville Oranges
4 pints Water
1 Lemon
4 lb Sugar (I use jam sugar)

Put clean jars in oven to warm.

Place water in pan

Prepare fruit by first cutting in half and squeeze juice. Collect any pips and place in muslin. Then remove the pithy interior of the fruit and place this in the muslin along with the pips secure this muslin bag into the saucepan of water.

Slice fruit skin into fine strips and add to the water.

Bring to the boil then simmer for two hours or until peel is soft.

Turn off heat and remove pips and pith in muslin squeeze carefully to remove the pectin from the pith. If you have a sieve you can press pithy mix through it to make sure you get as much of the pectin out of this pith/pip mixture  

Add sugar and gradually heat until sugar has completely dissolved, then bring up to a rolling boil and bring to 140 degrees jam setting temperature.

Check for setting point. This point  is reached when a teaspoon of marmalade placed on cold saucer wrinkles up when a finger is dragged over it. 

Pour into warm clean jars

Label and store.  



  1. This looks lovely. There's something so satisfying about making it. Such a good smell in the kitchen. I made some last year and will make it again next year. We don't use as much as we used to since Hubby started having cereal and not toast for breakfast. I've put it in cakes and also in bread and butter pudding and that was successful.

  2. Sorry. Had trouble posting the comment and left something out. I always enjoy reading your blog and wonder what happened to Dawn Ruth. She has not posted for a long time.

    1. Sorry did a comment not a reply so here it is again
      Dawn Ruth and Dawn Walsh one and the same its all the fault of google when they stopped having followers directly on the blogspot site. I tried bloglovin and hellocotton but now only have bloglovin follow you still on that.
      Also got a bit caught up with both children moving out and setting up on their own so bloggin had to take a back seat but I am still here on http://dawnthecrafter.blogspot.co.uk/

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. This sounds and looks delicious Dawn, Px
