
Wednesday, 11 February 2015

All hearts and flowers

Here is another Valentines Day idea, bunting again, but with a bit of a difference, this time heart shaped. It was a bit trickier to make than the standard pennant type bunting, but it was still fairly straight forward to make. 

You start with a selection of fabric, I choose heart patterned fabric in the main with a couple of other patterns all in red and white. If you wanted though you could go with pinks or florals or really whatever takes your fancy. 

 Above is my selection, which I think is very pretty.

Using a heart shaped template, cut out several heart shaped pieces. The number you cut out will depend on how long you want your finished bunting to be.

Pair up heart shaped pieces then stitch together leaving an opening sufficient to turn pieces the correct way out. 

Before turning ensure you have snipped around the shape this means when turned the heart shape will be well defined.

Then turn the shape the correct way out.

Once the shape is the correct way around press with an iron and then stitch the gap in the fabric shape. 

The final step is to stitch the hearts on a length of ribbon to create the bunting. Try to create a pleasing pattern with the fabrics you place next to each other.


You can also stuff the heart shapes to make the bunting more three dimensional or like me you can use the spare hearts you may have cut out to make little scented heart shaped sachets to hang in your wardrobes to keep your clothes smelling fragrant.

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